Route 22 Bridge over Kentucky River (KY)

Project Type: Value Engineering - Segmental Beam
Location: Gratz, Kentucky
Owner: Kentucky Transportation Cabinet
Client: Prestress Services, Inc.
Construction Cost: $8.9 million
Completion Date: Summer 2010
This post-tensioned spliced concrete girder bridge is a value engineering project for the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet. JSE developed the redesign of this 4-span bridge and provided the construction engineering services. The 325’ main span set a record length at the time for the United States utilizing this type of construction. The haunched pier segments are 16’ deep and the 9’ deep drop-in girders have a maximum length of 185’.
The design provided by JSE saved in excess of $800,000 over the as-bid steel design.
Total Length: 900’
Number of spans: 4 spans (175’, 200’, 325’, 200’)
Width: 71’-5”
Concrete Philosophy Drives Janssen & Spaans - ASPIRE, Fall 2010
Editorial: Sustainability and the Art of Concrete Design - ASPIRE, Fall 2010
HSC for Route 22 Bridge over Kentucky River - HPC Bridge Views, May/June 2011
Going to Record Lengths - ASPIRE, Winter 2011