IH-635 MANAGED LANES - Seg. 3.2, LBJ Express

Project Type: Design-Build / P3
Location: Dallas, Texas
Owner: Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT)
Client: Ferrovial Agroman
Construction Cost: $1 Billion
Completion Date: 12/2015
This Public-Private Partnership Project (P3) involved the construction of 4 miles of a 6 lane wide depressed tollway from Rosser Road to SH 75 on the north side of Dallas, Texas. JSE was the lead consultant for this complex interstate reconstruction project. 8 lanes of the freeway, 4 to 6 lanes of frontage roads, and one major interchange were reconstructed.
JSE provided structural engineering services for the design of 43 bridges and 2 million square feet of various types of retaining walls including rock nail, MSE, cast-in-place, and drilled shaft walls. Several existing bridges were strengthened, widened, or repaired. Four interior piers of a multi-level structure had to be moved to fit the new lane arrangement.
Road design was completed for 75 lane miles of managed toll lanes, freeway and frontage roads along with multiple cross streets, slip lanes, and ramps. New drainage systems consisting of over 20 miles of pipe were designed in conjunction with the detention ponds and water quality features.
JSE also completed the hydraulic study for a major water crossing. All traffic signals within the project limits were replaced, updated, and connected to the new ITS system. New lighting was added. All traffic signs were replaced. Complex traffic maintenance plans to meet the stringent contract criteria that all lanes must remain in service for the duration of the construction were developed in cooperation with the contractor. JSE also provided demolition analysis, load ratings, and staged removal procedures for all existing bridges throughout the project.
ACEC Indiana Awards of Engineering Excellence - Merit, 2016
ENR Global Best Project Award, 2016
Best Project: LBJ Express - ENR, Sep. 2016